Category Archives: Med School

Hocus Pocus in Med School

That moment when you wake up and realise you have a full day of classes AND lab…

glorious morning

It was a tough day of classes and you look like…

what happened

You should probably go talk to the prof, but they look at you like…

dost thou comprehend?

and you’re like…

don't look

You leave the prof’s office wishing you told them…


Instead you head towards your study spot like…

calming circle

But then you convince yourself…

hocus pocus

Happy Halloween!

Pocahontas goes to Med School

Everyday is a struggle when I wake up for Med School, but Pocahontas has a simple, fall out of bed, kind of look…


When someone tries to tell Pocahontas something she doesn’t know…


When someone knows a concept better than Pocahontas…


Sometimes it happens and she gets a bad grade on a test…


And she feels like running off the nearest cliff…


But then she remembers she’s a princess and Med School isn’t that serious…

he puts us all to shame…


5 things I do the night before a big test…

24 hours before a big exam.  What to do… well don’t panic.  Hopefully by now you’ve put in the time, studied the material, reviewed multiple times, practiced questions, participated in study groups and are moving towards mastery.

1).  Organization is the key to success.
Plan your day accordingly – schedule breaks, group study sessions and self study time appropriately.  Write it down!

2).  Light Full Review.
I always do an entire review the day before an exam.  I start early in the morning and work through all of the lectures.  I also put specific time limits on each lecture to make sure I get through everything.  

3).  Relax.
It’s the night before a big test – you know your material- you’ve been reviewing it the entire semester.  Focus on picking out a few minute details and take it easy.

4).  Talk to a calming loved one.
Do not call someone who is going to add extra stress to your plate.  Always call someone who is in your corner and wants to succeed – preferably a positive, motivating person.  

5).  Go to sleep early.
This is extremely important.  I’ve found that I perform so much better on an exam when I sleep versus pulling an all-nighter.  I have an easier time understanding the questions and choosing a correct answer.



Finals are done and I’m free (for the summer)!

I am happy to say that finals went extremely well and I’m so pleased with the results!  I worked my butt off for those grades and I’m incredibly proud of myself.  I always find it so crazy that the success of test grades always lasts such a short time in my mind.  I’m excited for less than an hour and then it’s on to the next thing.  Can you imagine?  Working for months and months and then only being excited for an hour?  It’s pure craziness!

Over the last several weeks, I’ve taken a barrage of study-selfies and random classroom pictures.  Oh – and I mixed in a few pictures from after finals, check them out: