Tag Archives: Finals

Finals are done and I’m free (for the summer)!

I am happy to say that finals went extremely well and I’m so pleased with the results!  I worked my butt off for those grades and I’m incredibly proud of myself.  I always find it so crazy that the success of test grades always lasts such a short time in my mind.  I’m excited for less than an hour and then it’s on to the next thing.  Can you imagine?  Working for months and months and then only being excited for an hour?  It’s pure craziness!

Over the last several weeks, I’ve taken a barrage of study-selfies and random classroom pictures.  Oh – and I mixed in a few pictures from after finals, check them out:

Twas the Night Before Finals

Twas the night before finals, and all cross the Isle

Med students were stressing no one is smiling.

The professors had finished their lectures with care,

Stressed students like zombies are everywhere.


The library’s jammed with last minute panic,

Pressures enough to make med student’s manic.

And I’m studying late and my energy’s sapped,

All the terms, slides and charts my brain it just snapped.


 In the library hall there arose such a clatter,

 The lights they are flickering what is the matter.

 The library is closing I knew in a flash,

I packed up my books and threw out my trash.


 As I walked to my dorm past the water below

 The moon cast my shadow, on my laptop in tow.

 When, what to my bloodshot eyes should appear,

 But a goat, duck and chicken wandering near.


 I got back to the dorm not lively or quick,

 I hoped for a moment my studies would stick.

 More rapid than eagles the sandman he came,

 As my comfortable bed was calling my name!


 Now wake up and study there’s no time to waste!

 Open your books and dive in post haste!

 To the top of the book, to the top of the chart!

 Now study and study the difficult part!


 And then, in a twinkling, I heard my alarm

 I’d fallen asleep my future was harmed.

 As I came to my senses and turned around,

 I leaped to the shower in one single bound.


 I dressed in a hurry and ran out the door,

 To the library I raced to study some more.

 My books and my laptop I’d flung on my back,

 I looked like a maniac opening my pack.


 My eyes-how they strained, I’m not feeling merry!

 My cheeks are all flushed, this test will be hairy!

 Stress causes my sphincter to draw up like a bow,

 My stomach is growling and my brain, it feels slow.


 I walk in the testing room clenching my teeth,

 I feel like I’m dead just get me a wreath.

 My face is contorted I’ve got pain in my belly,

 My guts are all churned up my legs are like jelly!


 When the test finally started I let out a whistle,

 My answers imputed I avoided dismissal.

 I exclaimed to all students our futures are bright,

 Happy Holidays to all and have a good flight!