Category Archives: Med School

Mulan in Med School

How I feel when the clinical tutors yell at me…



When your gunner friend wants to group study…

mfw-i-see-mulan-is-now-on-netflix-23468   Studying is always more fun with friends…






How I feel when I pre-read lectures…




My fear of failing an exam…


HAPPY STUDYING!  Finals are less than a month away!  YIKES!!

Kayaking in Grenada

Let me just say… Best full body workout ever.  I got a chance to go with Conservation Kayak to paddle for a solid 3.41 miles to Hog Island and then back to Grenada.  It was an amazing trip!  I had such a blast.  We took so many pictures – I only posted a few as to not overwhelm everyone with my crazy pictures.  We paddled out around 11am and landed on Hog Island just in time for a yummy lunch!  I can’t wait to go again.  The scenery was breath-taking and the experience was unforgettable.  If you’re interested in going kayaking in Grenada – I fully recommend Conservation Kayak.  They are located at Whisper Cove in Woburn Bay.  Check them out!

Dodgy Dock Grenada

Dodgy Dock is one of my favourite places to go grab food.  No matter how stressed I am, I always feel at ease here.  They have a panoramic view of the ocean and it’s breath taking.  At night the ambiance is always so light and fun.  They have live music a couple nights a week too.  HUGE FAN of this place!  Check out my food… it was so good!!!

Stress, burnout and balance

As a student, when you receive entrance to medical school, it’s one of the happiest most exciting times of your life.  You get to study medicine and eventual work as a doctor, but on the flip side, this is also an extremely stressful time.  Besides just studying, medical students have the nearly impossible balancing act of juggling family, personal life, finances and relaxation.

For many embarking to medical school is full of sacrifices.  Some students move to new countries, leave jobs and loved ones in order to become a student again.  Not to mention the significant student loans that are taken in order to complete the program.

It’s important to manage stress properly.  All of the things I listed above are enough to drive a normal person crazy.  Everyone experiences stress at one point or another, it’s how you cope with it that makes a difference.

For me, the best way to de-stress is a phone call to loved ones, good food with friends, an occasional card game or an evening out.  I find that I am a happier person as a result of it.  I usually allow myself one night a week to do something “fun.”  I don’t let school enter my mind because it’s time to unwind just a bit.  After I get that time, I find myself more ready to tackle tasks at hand and hit the books.

So, the next time you’re stressed, take a step back, inhale and laugh.  Remember who you are and why you’re here.  You’re never given anything in this world that you can’t handle.  Be strong, be flexible, love yourself, and love others.  Always remember, just keep moving forward.  You got this.